The Q2 2018 road transport data
reflected that 2,608 road crashes occurred within the quarter under review.
Speed violation is reported as the major cause of road crashes in Q2 and it
accounted for 50.65% of the total road crashes reported. Tyre burst and
dangerous driving followed closely as they both accounted for 8.59% and 8.40%
of the total road crashes recorded.
A total of 8,437 Nigerians got injured in the road traffic crashes recorded.
7,946 of the 8,437 Nigerians that got injured, representing 94% of the figure,
are adults while the remaining 491 Nigerians, representing 6% of the figure are
children. 6,415 male Nigerians, representing 76%, got injured in road crashes
in Q2 while 2,022 female Nigerians, representing 24% got injured.
Similarly, a total of 1,331 Nigerians got killed in the road traffic crashes
recorded in Q2 2018. 1,257 of the 1,331 Nigerians that got killed, representing
94% of the figure, are adults while the remaining 74 Nigerians, representing 6%
of the figure are children. 1,047 male Nigerians, representing 79%, got killed
in road crashes in Q2 while 284 female Nigerians, representing 21% got killed.